Monday, June 27, 2011

SOM Block GB Infect - Deck Tech


Hi guys!

Like a lot of players including myself, have tried to make an efficient infect deck that just wrecks SOM Block, and have failed miserably most of the time. Now I am not criticizing any body for their skill in brewing up a deck, but I have to say, I have made an Infect deck that takes the cake. Now I know you’re going to scoff at me, but try it out.

Let’s get to the card list.


Phyrexian_CrusaderPlague_Stinger Blight_Mamba  Viridian_Corrupter Necropede Mycosynth_Fiend

There is 21 creatures, which might seem a little too much for some people, but believe me after tirelessly testing this deck in all possible configurations every one is needed.

Instants & Sorceries

Go_for_the_Throat Dismember Mutagenic_Growth Virulent_Wound

This deck is packed with removal, most of the time you will have answers for whatever you are playing against. Mutagenic Growth is an early beating with just a 1/1 Infect boosted.

Artifacts & Land

Inkmoth_Nexus forest Swamp Piston_Sledge

The Inkmoth Nexus coupled with Mutagenic Growth will put a hurting on anyone. Piston Sledge is one of your winning conditions, as there is no equip cost when it first comes into play, it is very versatile.


Go_for_the_Throat Beast_Within Viridian_CorrupterApostles_Blessing

The sideboard is geared toward removal, as the main deck has plenty of win conditions. There is some weakness within this deck, as Karn and other Planeswalkers pose a threat to this deck. I have added 4X Beast Within to take care of them.

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